We are once again collecting donations for the Bay View Community Center Food Pantry for Thanksgiving.  While we have decided not too do our annual Turkey Trot this year, we still want to continue to support our community.


We will be taking collections for the food pantry at our Small Group gym from November 14th- November 26th, and at our new Boot Camp location on November 26th.

The Community Center is currently in need of the following food items (but will accept any not expired, non-perishable foods):

Pasta sauce
Canned chicken/tuna
Macaroni and cheese
Granola bars
Juice boxes
Applesauce/fruit cups
They are also collecting the following household and hygiene items:
Toilet paper
Dish soap
Laundry detergent
Personal hygiene items
If you would like to make a monetary donation instead, you can also use this link to donate directly to the Bay View Community Center Food Pantry.
Thank you for your support!