A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in our “Shape Up for Spring” 28 day weight loss challenge. We had some incredible results and it was so hard to pick the top 3 winners!
Lost 9.8 Lbs, 1% Body Fat and 5.5 inches in Just 28 days!
Joe won: 1 Month of Unlimited Boot Camp Workouts & a free 2018 Challenge entry!
What has improved since you started 28 days ago?
My outlook on food and other various factors. I understand calories, carbs, protein and much more. I feel more in control of my eating choices.
What are you most proud of accomplishing in 28 days?
Discipline, focus and motivation. Applying what I learned in a way that I think will translate to a sustained lifestyle.
2ND PLACE WINNER | Laura Morro
Lost 8.6 Lbs, 2.2% Body Fat and 7 inches in Just 28 days!
Laura won: Nutriburn Protein Powder + Shaker Cup PLUS a FREE Specialty Class!
What was your WHY? Your reason for doing the 28-day Challenge?
For me, and to have more energy to run around with my 2 year old.
What are you most proud of accomplishing in 28 days?
Diet, commitment & stamina! Sticking to workouts! And not wavering on my nutrition plan!
3RD PLACE WINNER | Sarah Steuck
Lost 8.6 Lbs, 1.2% Body Fat and 9.5 inches in Just 28 days!
Sarah won: A Free Specialty Class Plus 3 FREE Sauna sessions!
What was your WHY for doing the 28-day Challenge?
To feel strong and confident in my body and not be afraid of exercise!
What has improved since you started 28 days ago?
EVERYTHING! Confidence, energy, sleeping well and a new found excitement about what fitness can really do for my life!
CONGRATULATIONS to all of our winners and a special thank you to all of our participants. Everyone did an amazing job over these past 4 weeks and your Wild Staff couldn’t possibly be more proud.