From its conception, the gym has been focused on whole body health… that’s why the name is Wild Workouts & WELLNESS. We are more than just Boot Camp! That’s why we talk about nutrition, holistic health and whole-food supplementation. Over the past year we have been investing in another NEW facet that integrates workouts + wellness and we are excited to launch Wild Yoga classes starting September 2019!

We will start our limited yoga class offerings with the following… Yin Yoga and a Wild Set Sequence class.

Yin Yoga:

Yin yoga is a passive, slow-paced practice that fosters the ultimate connection between mind and body. Yin consists of a series of long-held postures that stretches and targets both the deep connective tissues between the muscles, and the fascia throughout the body. The aim is to increase circulation in the joints and improve flexibility as the postures stretch and allow opening of the joint areas. We will continually focus on postures that are historically tight areas of the body – the hips, lower spine and shoulders.

It differs enormously from our Wild Boot Camp and Small Group workouts… yet is the perfect complement! By adding a Yin (slow) practice to your Yang (vigorous) workouts, you are creating a beautiful balance within your energy systems and a unique sense of calmness you will feel both physically and mentally.

Yin Yoga will be on Sundays at 6pm and be added to the regular schedule starting September 15th.

Wild Warrior Yoga (Set Sequence):

Bikram and Ashtanga Yoga are the most well-known “set sequences” in the yoga world. What does that mean? The sequence is set and unchanging, from class to class, week to week.

“Through repetition the magic is forced to arise.”


The Wild Warrior Yoga sequence class will include: warm-up, sun salutations (vinyasa), traditional sequence posturing before cooling down and ending with savasana.

We chose to offer a set sequence class for these 3 main reasons:

Improvement scale. Since you’re doing the same postures each practice, you can more easily see improvements over time. For example, perhaps when you first started you couldn’t touch your toes but after a couple of months of regular practice, your hands are on the ground! Variations will include blocks & straps, binds and twists. I just know, with so many of our Wild clients’ mentality on “gains” this sequence is going to help increase your flexibility, strength, body awareness, breath, posture and so much more!

Comfort. You know what you’re going to get. There’s something comforting about getting on the mat and knowing exactly what posture is coming up next. This is perfect for anyone who has anxieties of a varying practice.

Moving meditation. Once you know the sequence like the back of your hand, your practice can become a moving meditation — you can move with breath without your thoughts being preoccupied with worries like, “Is my foot in the right spot?”

Wild Warrior Yoga (set sequence )classes will be held on Tuesday 6:30am and Tuesday 6:30pm

and added to the regular schedule starting September 10th.

You can purchase a 5 pack of yoga sessions for $ 75 – CLICK BELOW

Or a 10 pack of yoga sessions for $125 – CLICK BELOW

*Sessions expire 3 months after purchase*

**Wild Workouts & Wellness yoga classes are available for CURRENT CLIENTS ONLY.**