Success Story Karen Kubacki

We love a good success story here at WILD. It’s why we do what we do! Here’s another one from Karen Kubacki.

What made you decide that you wanted/needed to start Wild Workouts & Wellness?

I decided that I needed to start working out again after I saw a picture of myself. I didn’t think it looked like me and I didn’t want to put it in a photo album because I was so embarrassed on how I really looked! My daughter’s sitter kept telling me about this work out place that she really liked.

I was so scared to do it because 9 years ago I was in a motorcycle accident where I crushed my hip socket, broke my pelvis, part of my back and collapsed my lung. I was in a wheel chair for 2 months, crutches for 3 months and told I should and wouldn’t be able to run again. I had kind of given up that I could ever be active again.

I decided to try a few work outs, I told myself that I could just hide in the back and no one would notice or pay attention to me. However, I was greeted by Amber who made sure all my work outs were modified so that I could participate. Every week I got stronger and stronger. I became more confident in the work outs and the staff was so supportive!

They never made me feel like creating accommodations was a problem or push me before I was ready. They gently guided me to become strong and more confident. I now look forward to my weekly workouts and am never embarrassed to ask for a modification. Wild has helped me to physically become stronger and helped me to remember that my heath is important.

Thanks to the staff I now fit into clothes I didn’t fit into last summer & I don’t even mind the way I look in pictures!  

What results have you achieved since starting Wild Workouts & Wellness?

I have achieved many results: fitting into a smaller pant size, making better food choices for myself and my family and jumping. It has been 9 years since I have been able to jump on anything without pain!

What do you like best about WILD/having a trainer?

 They make me come to class! I know they are counting on me to be there and definitely notice if you miss a week. Which is what I need! 

What would you to say to someone on the fence about joining our program?

I’d tell them my story and how much better I feel and look.