Steven Shapiro Success Story

Steven joined Wild a few years ago as part of a weight loss challenge.  He found it was hard to find time to exercise on his own with a child and the scheduled classes helped him stay on track.  He chose to stay on with Wild after the challenge because he liked the results he was seeing.  Steven is now in much better shape, stronger and thinner than when he started.  He has been an active participant in both Boot camps and Run Wild and has completed 3 half marathons this year.

What do you like best about our program/ having a trainer?

It helps to be accountable to someone and to work out with other people.  I’m not very motivated to exercise on my own and need a group to keep going.

What would you say to someone on the fence about joining our program? 

The reason I go is because there’s a good atmosphere, it’s blocks from my house and I’m accountable to someone besides myself.

What are a few of your favorite exercises and why? 

My favorite exercises are full body exercises like burpees and pull-ups or those where I can really focus on increasing weight like weighted rows and presses.

What are some challenges or goals you are currently working on? 

My main goal is to drop body fat.  I’d love to get in to the low teens but I’m easily distracted by cookies at work.